
Sunday, 26 July 2009

The Art of Procrastination

Why is it that, no matter how much I tell myself that "next time I'm not going to leave everything till the last minute," a deadline inevitably creeps up on me and, once again, I find myself scrambling in the eleventh hour to finish? I am a master procrastinator. Case in point: I should be researching Birmingham's top employers or writing about Florida's climate, but instead I am going to catch up on the latest Tour de France highlights.

Once I have finished the two freelance jobs I am currently working on (one with a deadline tomorrow and the other next weekend), the 10 articles for suite101 that I have to have published by August 13, and the design work I agreed to do for my former boss, I intend to update this blog more frequently, which I admit has suffered lately as a result of my bad work habits. It's not as if I don't have lots to write about (I even have some titles forming in my head and a few entries already in the drafting process). I'm especially looking forward to writing about an exciting new job I'll be doing in early August: filming as an extra for a new movie version of Gulliver's Travels. Intrigued? Stay tuned....


Michelloui said...

*chuckling* I know just how you feel! I get myself into such a state that I almost feel sick, then suddenly I think STOP! And I do an immediate reorganisation and something has to go. The blog is top of that list unfortunately. Glad you had time to write a quick post though, and good luck with the rest of the deadlines!

Anonymous said...

What is this about filming as an extra? Facebook me about it! :)~Jess Hamilton