
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition

If you're one of my regular readers, you might have noticed that I've made a few small changes to the blog recently (besides actually posting something for a change, that is). Namely, I've added some extra pages. I've started with an About Me page, which is an expanded version of what you see in my sidebar. I've also added a page called "The Resident Tourist," which is a collection of links to some of my favourite London attractions and events, and one called "A Child's-Eye View of London," which is pretty self-explanatory. The "expanded" version of the blog is a work in progress, so I'll be adding more things from time to time.

My aim is to keep Accidentally English the personal blog it was from the beginning, but with more practical tips and information for others who are (or are planning to be) accidentally English, accidentally French, accidentally Spanish, or whatever. It might also encourage me to post more often (although please forgive me if the blog goes inactive for a while again when Crumpet 2 arrives in the next few days). Happy reading!